Venture Cups Topp 20-lista – Sveriges bästa idéer 2024
Vi är stolta över att få presentera de 20 bästa idéerna som deltagit i Venture Cups tävling IDEA. Sveriges största tävling för alla som drömmer om att starta företag.

Visma Spcs är stolt huvudpartner för tävlingen Venture Cup IDEA. I tävlingen har entreprenörer över hela Sverige under hösten fått hjälp av experter från näringslivet att testa och förverkliga sina affärsidéer.
Efter att tävlingen stängt den 11 november har ett intensivt arbete pågått för att skriva feedback till alla inlämnade idéer och utse vinnarna. Jurygrupper från de olika regionerna har tillsammans utsett vilka 20 affärsidéer som placerat sig på Venture Cups årliga Topp 20-lista, en vinst som innebär en kvalitetsstämpel.
Mehkar Sheikh, VD på Venture Cup, säger så här om årets Topp 20-lista:
– Den nationella Topp 20-listan samlar Sveriges mest lovande entreprenörer. Deras visioner och drivkraft är avgörande för att forma en hållbar och framgångsrik framtid. Vi på Venture Cup är otroligt stolta över att få lyfta fram dessa inspirerande innovatörer.
– Innovation och entreprenörskap är avgörande för att driva svenskt näringsliv framåt och säkerställa dess konkurrenskraft. På Visma Spcs vet vi att starka företag börjar med kreativa idéer och modiga entreprenörer. Därför är samarbetet med Venture Cup och att få stödja dessa finalister, vars idéer har potential att förändra och förbättra, så viktigt för oss, säger Johan Lange, Brand och Relations Lead på Visma Spcs.
Venture Cups Topp 20-lista 2024:
Team: Beatris Palm, Fanny Ahlm och Elin Blad
Region Nord
Juryns motivering:
"An outstanding idea led by a passionate team determined to make a meaningful impact on a vulnerable group in society. By delivering quick and accessible information to individuals with hearing impairments and physical disabilities, they tackle a critical issue that could be life-saving in emergencies."
Team: James Muricho
Region Nord
Juryns motivering:
"This idea addresses a critical need of the African continent by bridging the gap in digitalization within the property sector. By developing a digital twin of land registries that adapts seamlessly to diverse cultural and legal contexts, it offers a groundbreaking solution that enhances transparency and empowers women in land ownership."
Team: Andreas Harnindito, Syanne Anandyah och Setiyo
Region Nord
Juryns motivering:
"The idea is timely and addresses the need to create a more interconnected world by better utilizing international expertise. With great potential for global implementation and a clear plan for further development, the service streamlines an otherwise complex and demanding process, making it both relevant and innovative."
Team: Wilma Edman och Rebecka Kjellström
Region Nord
Juryns motivering:
"The idea is scalable and provides equal economic opportunities for women and men to pursue education. The team demonstrates a strong commitment to closing the gender gap and has the potential to create lasting social impact on a global scale."
Team: Hanad Mahamud och Sercan Cicek
Region Nord
Juryns motivering:
"The idea combines technical and sustainability innovation with strong market potential. It addresses a global environmental problem, promotes a circular economy, and inspires sustainable innovation."
Team: Maja Sonesson och Markus Bielaszka
Region Syd
Juryns motivering:
"This company has demonstrated tremendous potential and impressive scalability. With a clear connection to upcoming regulations and strategic timing in relation to new laws, the company is well-positioned in the current market. Their focus on traceability is particularly relevant today."
Team: Malte Kristiansson och Dennis Mitzeus
Region Syd
Juryns motivering:
"Through an innovative approach and early collaboration, opportunities are created for individuals to reach their full potential. The focus is on making learning more relevant and engaging by addressing the needs and interests of the individual."
Axiome Duo
Team: Reza Rajabi
Region Syd
Juryns motivering:
"This company is challenging its industry by thinking in a new way where not much change has happened over the last decades. With this modernization, they can make results clearer for everyone involved."
Team: Peter Falck
Region Syd
Juryns motivering:
"Addressing the critical global challenge of water quality, this innovative solution ensures transparency and safety through accessible and effective lab tests. Combining research with a strong sustainability focus, it delivers tangible societal impact."
TFM Sensorhållare
Team: Tiago Moreira
Region Syd
Juryns motivering:
"Great idea that contribute to a better customer experience in health care. This is a innovative solution with great potential to make your future appointment to the dentist a bit more comfortable."
Omika Health
Team: Eren Idil, Jonas Eriksson, Dan Johansson, Elias Sundqvist, Maria Cristina Laso och Vilmer Jonsson
Region Öst
Juryns motivering:
"The winner revolutionizes preventative healthcare by offering the most affordable and efficient DNA analysis in the market, empowering consumers to take a proactive approach to their health. By combining advanced AI and DNA sequencing, they provide early detection of genetic risks, leading the way in making proactive healthcare a reality."
Team: Torbjörn Axelsson och Rita Axelsson Florio
Region Öst
Juryns motivering:
"Verification and testing of new ideas is essential, and this entrepreneur has put in the hard work. With a creative mind and strong business sense, they have laid the foundation for what could become Sweden's next midsommar game of choice - maybe Sweden's national basketball team agrees."
Hiya Hub
Team: Hanan Karrouk, Torbjörn Friede, Vedad Hasanagic och Linda Altishe
Region Öst
Juryns motivering:
"By demonstrating ambition and inspiring vision, this team shows clear determination in addressing one of the most untapped potential within the Swedish entrepreneurial landscape. By access and true belonging, this initiative empowers a vital yet underestimated community. By amplify voices, this initiative inspires, and has potential to show what is possible when barriers are dismantled."
Team: Lidia Palacios och Javier Alegre
Region Öst
Juryns motivering:
"This idea addresses a challenge that affects many people. By offering a unique, smooth, and user-friendly product, the team has the potential to revolutionize the market and replace current alternatives. Despite being in its startup phase, the company's vision is clear. This innovation allows users to focus on the activity and its beauty, while simultaneously increasing user safety. With a fantastic team backing it, we are confident that this idea will spread like ripples in the water."
Spelplattform för tjejer
Team: Ida Karlsson
Region Öst
Juryns motivering:
"The winner is a passionate individual with user experience and industry know-how. Targeting an underserved customer group in an growing market. With a clear gameplan she is adressing a fun opportunity in a blue ocean market. We are eager to get this game going!"
Team: Hatem Ahmed och Amr Salem
Region Väst
Juryns motivering:
"To achieve your dreams this plattform can give you the oppertunity to economize outside the traditionall methods. It organize and facilitate a phenomen that already exits underground today. The plattform can create a positive behaviour that can help people out of economic problem."
Team: Ludwig Elmgren
Region Väst
Juryns motivering:
"The idea contributes to a greener and sustainable future by optimizing the use of local renewable resources and enabling access to 100% fossil-free energy. With a simple and effective solution, the team is committed to strengthening local communities while reducing their reliance on centralized energy systems."
Team: Hamed Haghjo och Khaliq Sarkhosh
Region Väst
Juryns motivering:
"A smart and efficient solution designed to replace the need for multiple applications by combining them into one unified platform. This streamlines workflows, reduces complexity, and enhances productivity by offering all essential tools in a single, integrated solution."
Team: Jennifer Wiklund and Karl Isberg
Region Väst
Juryns motivering:
"With a strong personal expirence and relation to hidden problem, this team adresses an unmet and important need. We predict a bright future for this team but foremost the improved lifequality for people living with serious mental health conditions."
Nordic Loop
Team: Nicola Valenti och Shaya Rahimian
Region Väst
Juryns motivering:
"A solution that manages and optimizes material recycling both within and between industries. It enhances efficiency in resource utilization while creating additional value through sustainable practices and innovative recycling methods."
Ta del av vinnarnas pitchvideo på Venture Cups YouTube-kanal.
Stort grattis till alla som tagit en plats på årets Topp-20 lista, och tack till alla som tävlat i årets omgång av IDEA, vi önskar er lycka till framåt.